Sunday, August 29, 2010

1st Class-Lesson 1, 2nd Class-Lesson 1....

I definitely can say that before now I did not have the respect for school teachers that they deserve. I guess I was just totally oblivious to the concept of teaching in a school that requires teachers to teach the same class over, and over, and over, and over, and over(you get the point!). It does get a bit monotonous. However, the flip side to it is the kids. Since the kids are different in each class it doesn't really matter that the material is the same because I am quickly learning that each group of kids, not to mention each kid individually, is completely different from another. I have been finding the classroom to be an interesting atmosphere, and to be quite honest, a very comfortable one. There is a very definitve moment that you are striving for in each class, and really it is what you are looking for right of the bat. It's that moment when you can see that you have got the childrens attention. Its like hitting a home run, because once you got them focused on you and not bored or day dreaming its almost like you can teach them anything. It is absolutely not an easy achievement by any means, but I guess with kids this young it is really the best approach. Get them locked in right away, or else you lose them for the whole class!

So that is enough about school for now...I have been able to do only a little exploring so far, but I think after this week I will have much more free time and will be all around Daegu and Chilgok and taking pictures. I cannot wait to show you all pictures of the most totally random english sayings and phrases that are all over the place here. I will give you one example from a pizza place in the building where my school is called Mr. Pizza, its slogan is "Mr. Pizza: Made for Women". So look forward to some more of that! 

Oh and this morning it was very lightly raining when I was walking to get breakfast, and I did not have my umbrella. All of the sudden I stopped noticing the rain. I looked to my right and an older Korean woman was standing beside me smiling and sharing her umbrella with me while we crossed the street. It was such a nice thing to do and totally unexpected!

Love and Miss ALL OF YOU!

Share this with whoever you would like, I am enjoying all of your wonderful comments!


  1. You didn't respect your teachers when you were in school? Oh Really? I had no idea. You always told us how much you loved school (as long as the class was Gym).

    Yea, no question about it - get the kids' attention and then you've got them.

    That's a sweet story about the lady with the umbrella for you. Sounds like a wonderful place with wonderful people.

    Love you,

  2. This is great blog. I love your personal stories.

  3. Holy cow.......I got behind. Honestly, I had been eagerly awaiting your updates after Aug. 14th and then figured it would be a while for more. Again, you impressed me with not only updates but thought out stories. (i am thinking best seller by the time this journey turns into a new chapter).

    Knowing how busy you must be I really appreciate the time you put into updating us.

    The neighborhood is "different" without you. No one yells out their car window with great gusto, "Hi Lisa" or runs into my garage to tell me to have a good day. I guess you are spreading that sort of cheer where you are now. :o)

    Love the blog! Any pictures soon?


  4. Isn't it funny how things change when you go from being the student to becoming the teacher? I can totally relate!

    LOVE the Mr. Pizza slogan. Do they realize that it doesn't make sense!?

    So sweet about the lady and the umbrella. Like that would ever happen back here! If you tried to share your umbrella with a stranger, they'd look at you like you're crazy!
